Puts the next step within your reach

Your Trainee Program

At Your Trainee Program we believe that personal development should not be exclusive for those who are able to afford expensive programs with private coaches or employees working for billion dollar multinationals with plenty of educational resources.

This is the reason why YTP was created. This website is accessible to anyone who likes to challenge themselves and are looking for the next steps in their career and perhaps even in life! Although I like to wrestle with a sturdy theoretical concept from time to time, this site will be about taking action. The concepts explained will be easy to understand and to apply in your real life situations but will have a big impact in the way you see the world and the world sees you.

My name is Priyesh and I live to empower others! As going through different development programs I started to believe that you could shape your own world and set your own course which worked out pretty well! The only things that are required are faith and a bit of courage. I believe that you can do this too and I am going to show you how!

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